The Reactions of Bahir Dar University Students to Moral Dilemmas Related to Corruption: Implications for Moral Education Programmes


  • Reda Darge


The concept of


7711's srudy aimed at examinillg moral reasoning relared 10 corruption , Data were
obroinedfrom 350 purposively selected Bahir Dar University swdetlfs (175 males
and 115 females) using moral reasoning. questionnaire. Using Koiliberg's theory
of moral developmenl and Gilligan 's moral oriemotion model. the moral
reasoning questionnaire waS scored for moral stage ant! moml orientatioll.
Results in mulriple.-regressioll analysis Indicated thar the old age group (22-26
yeas) had signijicalllly higher stage of moral reasolling tholl the young age group
(18-2-1 years) when responding to moral dilemmas abo/ll issues of corruption,
But, there was no significant age group difference with respect to moral
orien/arion. Furthermore. there was 110 gender difference ill stage of moral
reasoning and nwral oriemation. The imponance of the results, particularly the
educational implications. for understanding rile role of psychological imervemioll
programmes and commjtmellls in combating corruption are discllssed



How to Cite

Darge, R. . (2022). The Reactions of Bahir Dar University Students to Moral Dilemmas Related to Corruption: Implications for Moral Education Programmes. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 27(2), 49–80. Retrieved from