Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors Encouraging and Discouraging Belg Farming: The Case of Munessa Wereda


  • Degefa Tolossa


The main objective olthe study was to investigate why thelarmers in
some Peasant Associations (PAs) oJ rain receiving dega agro-climatic zone 01
Munessa wereda have lailed to practice belg larming. Data utilized lor the study
were generated through a sample survey 01220 households in eight PAs. The survey
data have been tabulated and summarized by utilizing the Statistical Package lor
Social Scientists (SPSS). More specifically, the Point Score Analysis was adopted to
identify the most importantlactors encouraging belg larming among belg growers,
on the one hand, and the most discouraging lactors lor practice 01 belg crop
production among non-belg growers, on the other. The results revealed that the
availability of adequate belg rain, lillie water-logging problem during the belg
growing season, a lillie incidence 01 crop damage by birds, and the absence olfrost
are the principal physicallactors encouraging larmers 10 practice belg larming in
Belemeda, Ego Dengago, Ego Yedolla and Ego Legedana PAs. Likewise, al/aining
household load and seed security, production 01 belg crops by olher larmers in the
community, increase 01 crop prices during belg harvesl and holding adequate
larmland are Ihe main socioeconomic reasons lor growing belg crops. Farmers in
non-belg grower PAs, i.e., Choba, Kama Ana, Koji Kenchere and Neno Legedana
have lailed to take advantage 01 double cropping because ollhe interaction between
the various physical and socioeconomic lactors. Unreliability 01 belg rain lor 96.6
per cent 01 the larmers, dijJiculty olland preparation under a lillie belg rain lor 98.3
per cent olthem and allack olcrops by birds lor 87.9 per cent ollhe same arelound
to be Ihe most lormidable physical hindrances to growing belg crops in Ko}i
Kenchere and Neno Legedena PAs. Similarly, aUack 01 belg crops by birds lor all
respondents (100%) and the damage 01 belg crops by excessive summer rain lor 74
per cent olthe respondent appeared as Ihe mosl discouraging environmentallactors
to belg larming in Kama Ana and Choba PAs. Absence 01 cooperation among
larmers, inadequate larmland and lack 01 capital to purchase larm inputs were
idenlified as the principal socia-economic hindrances lor 90.8, 72.5, and 60.5 per
cent respectively 01 the non-belg grower larme~s. II is concluded that belg larming
can be carried out in all non-belg grower PAs under investigation by promoting
cooperation and mutual undp.rstonding among the beneficiaries themselves .



How to Cite

Tolossa, D. . (2022). Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors Encouraging and Discouraging Belg Farming: The Case of Munessa Wereda. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 19(2), 1_29. Retrieved from

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