Sexual Violence in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions: An Individual and Contextual Perspective


  • Emebet Mulugeta Center for Gender Studies and School of Psychology, Addis Ababa University.
  • Aynalem Megresa Center for Gender Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University
  • Rokia Aidahis Aberra Department of Public and Social Policy, Institute of Sociological Studies of Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic


higher education, gender, sexual violence, violence


This study explored the situation of Sexual Violence (SV), the context in which it occurs and the individual factors that expose female students to SV in Ethiopian higher education institutions by using an ecological approach as a framework and gathering data through interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Instances of SV in the form of verbal harassment, touching, coercion, and asking girls out on a date repeatedly despite the girls’ lack of interest are common.  Although the government has made commitments and taken some measures, SV remains a problem in higher education. Addressing sexual violence requires adopting an ecological approach to tackle the factors operating at individual, social, cultural, and historical levels.



How to Cite

Mulugeta, E. ., Megresa, A. ., & Aberra, R. A. . (2024). Sexual Violence in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions: An Individual and Contextual Perspective. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 44(1), 185–221. Retrieved from