The Objectives and Content of the Ethiopian School English Syllabus: Its Adequacy, Relevence and Effectiveness


  • Zewdie Marew


A Language syllabus is an educational docwnent;
1,n fact, it is a record of corrunitments and
accountability. It directs progress and
indicates destination. To serve these purposes,
it needs to be adequate (complete) in containing
the requirements as a guide for ' the
teaching-learning proc.ess, relevant (suitable)
to the situation it intends to serve, and
effective (yeilding) in producing expected
learning outcomes. How is the Ethiopian School
English Syllabus in the light of these issues:
Adequacy, Relevance and effectiveness? This
three-part study starts with a background survey
of the design and use of language syllabuses,
followed by a view on the Ethiopian School
English Syllabus (ESES), and concludes with some
suggestions. It is feU that this type of study
will be very helpful, particularly, at a time
when the Ethiopian School Curriculwn in general
and the language syllabus in particular are under
scrutiny .



How to Cite

Marew, . Z. (2025). The Objectives and Content of the Ethiopian School English Syllabus: Its Adequacy, Relevence and Effectiveness. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 13(1), 1–39. Retrieved from