The Role of Renewable Energy Education in Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development


  • Desta Gebeyehu Associate Professor, Department of Science Education


renewable energy education, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, sustainable development


The need for renewable energy education and training at all levels is globally recognized due to rising concerns about fossil fuels depletion and global climate change. However, the current state of renewable energy sources education and training seems to be inadequate. The aim of this review paper is to introduce and analyze several new approaches to renewable energy sources and technologies education in the context of climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Accordingly, a qualitative research was employed by reviewing papers in the scope of the study. For this purpose, integrative and narrative literature review techniques based on critiques, analyses, and synthesizes secondary data about the research topic in an integrated way were used. The findings of the study show that renewable energy education and training must be quickly and efficiently spread to future generations to address climate change and provide sustainable development. The study suggested some measures and strategies on renewable energy sources and technologies education programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate climate change and achieve sustainable development as well as clean energy for all and future generations. Therefore, an understanding of renewable energy will be a crucial part of a scientific literacy for the future.



How to Cite

Gebeyehu, D. . (2021). The Role of Renewable Energy Education in Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 38(2), 1–50. Retrieved from