Student Engagement in Geography Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching Program at Addis Ababa University


  • Tsegay Asgele Lecturer, Department of Geography
  • Demesew Alemu Assistant Professor, Federal Technical and vocational Education and Training Institution, Addis Ababa


add-on program, teachers’ training program, student engagement


This study is intended to assess student-teacher engagement in the currently running but heavily contested add-on teacher training program at the College of Education in the Addis Ababa University by taking the case of Geography PGDT (Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching) program. Qualitative data for the assessment was gathered from two FGD (Focus Group Discussion) groups of the 2017 geography PGDT summer entries. Unstructured interviews were also conducted with six geography PGDT teachers/instructors and two other key informants with direct experience in the program: one from the researchers and the other PGDT program coordinator at Ministry of Education. The qualitative data was organized and analyzed using three successive steps: data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions (Punch, 2005).The findings have clearly shown that the student-teachers were not engaged in the classroom and out-of-classroom activities as desired. This was reflected in their high truancy rate, lack of interest in classroom activities including failure to complete assignments, lack of preparedness in their teaching practices and failure to complete the practicum portfolio in the required quality in time. In view of the findings, this study suggests that the application of effective educational practices is very advisable for the college of education to develop realistically auditable engagement policies, governing both the instructors and students, and these have to be communicated ahead of time or at least before the registration processes



How to Cite

Asgele, T. ., & Alemu, D. . (2021). Student Engagement in Geography Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching Program at Addis Ababa University. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 40(1), 65–92. Retrieved from