Appraiser - Appraisee Perception of Teacher Performance Appraisal in Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa


  • Melaku Yimam


This exploratory study was design~d to identify
the major problems of the current system of TPA
operating in senior secondary schools of Addis Ababa;
and hence, to discover if relationships existed
between appraisers and appraisees in perceiving the
problems thus identified. To this end, answers to
basic questions pertaining to the purposes and
criteria of TPA, skill and competence of appraisers,
timing . .and frequency pf appraisal, and process and
procedures involved in appraisal were sought.
Following a review of the literature related
to the problem under study, a survey questionnaire
was developed, field-tested and modified, and
distributed to a sample of 154 appraisers and 356
appraisees drawn from 13 senior secondary schools
of Addis Ababa. Of ~he respective total sample size
of the two study groups, 144 (93.51 per cent)
appraisers and 324 (91. 01) per cent) appraisees
tilled in and returned the questionnaire.
The findings ot the study showed that the two



How to Cite

Yimam, M. (2021). Appraiser - Appraisee Perception of Teacher Performance Appraisal in Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 13(1), 95–97. Retrieved from