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The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development
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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2017): Volume 31, Special Issue, 2017
Vol. 31 No. 1 (2017): Volume 31, Special Issue, 2017
Magnitude and predictors of excessive alcohol use in Ethiopia
Feyissa Challa, Solomon Teferra, Tedla Kebede, Yabetse Girma, Mussie G/Michael, Dejuma Yadeta, Yewondwossen Tadesse, Fassil Shiferaw, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Mulugeta Guta, Kissi Mudie, Theodros Getachew, Misrak Getinet, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Kassahun Amenu, Terefe Gelibo, Abebe Bekele, Alemayehu Bekele, Geremew Gonfa, Habtamu Teklie, Atkure Defar
Prevalence of Khat chewing and associated factors in Ethiopia: Findings from the 2015 national Non-communicable diseases STEPS survey
Habtamu Teklie, Geremew Gonfa, Theodros Getachew, Atkure Defar, Alemayehu Bekele, Abebe Bekele, Mulugeta, Guta, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Fassil Shiferaw, Yewondwossen Tadess, Dejuma Yadeta, Mussie G/Michael, Yabetse Girma, Tedla Kebede, Solomon Teferra
Tobacco use and its predictors among Ethiopian adults: A further analysis of Ethiopian NCD STEPS survey-2015
Feyissa Challa, Solomon Teferra, Abebe Bekele, Tedla Kebede, Mussie G/Michael, Dejuma Yadeta, Yewondwossen Tadesse, Fassil Shiferaw, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Mulugeta Guta, Kissi Mudie, Atkure Defar, Yabetse Girma, Misrak Getinet, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Kassahun Amenu, Terefe Gelibo, Geremew Gonfa, Alemayehu Bekele, Habtamu Teklie, Theodros Getachew
Prevalence and determinants of road traffic injuries in Ethiopia
Habtamu Teklie, Abebe Bekele, Yewondwossen Tadesse, Feyissa Challa, Dejuma Yadeta, Tedla Kebede, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Geremew Gonfa, Misrak Getnet, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Mussie Gebremichael, Atkure Defar, Kassahun Amenu, Kissi Mudie, Theodros Getachew, Terefe Gelibo, Fassil Shiferaw, Alemayehu Bekele, Mola Gedefaw, Mulugeta Guta
Magnitude and determinants of physical inactivity in Ethiopia: Evidence from 2015 Ethiopia National NCD Survey
Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Abebe Bekele, Yewondwossen Tadesse, Kissi Mudie, Yabetse Girma, Feyissa Challa, Mussie G/Michael, Tedla Kebede, Dejuma Yadeta, Alemayehu Bekele, Kassahun Amenu, Mulugeta Guta, Geremew Gonfa, Habtamu Teklie, Atkure Defar, Theodros Getachew, Tefera Taddele, Misrak Getnet, Terefe Gelibo
Low fruit and vegetable intake and its associated factors in Ethiopia: A community based cross sectional NCD steps survey
Mussie G/Michael, Abebe Bekele, Amha Kebede, Tedla Kebede, Dejuma Yadeta, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Kissi Mudie, Geremew Gonfa, Mulugeta Guta, Yabetse Girma, Feyissa Challa, Terefe Gelibo, Fassil Shiferaw, Alemayehu Bekele, Habtamu Teklie, Atkure Defar, Theodros Getachew, Misrak Getnet, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Kassahun Amenu
The hidden magnitude of raised blood pressure and elevated blood glucose in Ethiopia: A call for initiating community based NCDs risk factors screening program
Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Kebede Worku, Amha Kebede, Yibeltal Assefa, Yewondwossen Tadesse, Kissi Mudie, Yabetse Girma, Feyissa Challa, Fassil Shiferaw, Mulugeta Guta, Mussie G/Michael, Dejuma Yadeta, Abebe Bekele, Tedla Kebede, Alemayehu Bekele, Geremew Gonfa, Misrak Getnet, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Habtamu Teklie, Atkure Defar, Theodros Getachew, Kassahun Amenu, Terefe Gelibo
Urinary sodium excretion and determinates among adults in Ethiopia: Findings from National STEPS survey
Theodros Getachew, Abebe Bekele, Geremew Gonfa, Misrak Getnet, Kassahun Amenu, Atkure Defar, Tedla Kebede, Dejuma Yadeta, Yabetse Girma, Mussie Gebremichael, Fassil Shiferaw, Mulugeta Guta, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Feyissa Challa, Tefera Taddele, Habtamu Teklie, Bikila Nagasa, Abenezer Ayalkebet, Zeleke Geto, Tigist Getahun, Meron Sileshi, Alemayehu Bekele, Terefe Gelibo, Girum Taye, Kissi Mudie, Yewondwossen Tadesse
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) service availability at health facilities in Ethiopia: Evidence from 2014 Ethiopian service provision assessment
Kassahun Amenu, Theodros Getachew, Abebe Bekele, Atkure Defar, Mekonnen Taddesse, Habtamu Teklie, Terefe Gelibo, Yibeltal Assefa, Amha Kebede
Service availability and readiness for major non-communicable diseases at health facilities in Ethiopia
Theodros Getachew, Abebe Bekele, Kassahun Amenu, Atkure Defar, Habtamu Teklie, Girum Taye, Tefera Taddele, Geremew Gonfa, Misrak Getnet, Terefe Gelibo, Yibeltal Assefa, Amha Kebede, Sofonias Getachew
Availability and readiness of services for cancer care at health facilities in Ethiopia: Implication for action
Terefe Gelibo, Theodros Getachew, Abebe Bekele, Atkure Defar, Kassahun Amenu, Mekonnen Taddesse, Habtamu Teklie, Yibeltal Assefa, Amha Kebede
NCD Risk Factors on the Rise in Ethiopia
Abebe Bekele, Mussie G/Michael, Fassil Shiferaw, Ebba Abate, Tsigereda Kifle, Solomon Teferra
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