Warqe Production and Women’s Role


  • Desta Amare


The main purpose of this research is to describe and analyse the cultural ways of warqe[2] production, its uses and the role women played in Wonchi district. For this research, interviews and observation data collection methods are implemented. According to the collected data, Warqe is the stable food and the main harvest of the South West Shewa Zone people of Wonchi district, the study area people farm different types of warqe plant, produce a variety of cultural foods, and use its by-product for many purposes. More than any other section of the community, women have been able to capitalize on the fruits of Warqe production. They have used it not only as a food source but also as a source of income. During the production time, women are employed as day labourers and use the money they earn to buy and exchange different materials, and more importantly to take care of their family. On the whole, this study revealed the indigenous knowledge of ways of warqe production practiced by the people of the study area, the traditional instruments used in the production, warqe as cultural food and the use of warqe by products. Future researches should emphasize on improved technology evaluation including processing instruments, the way of processing including keeping fermentation area sanitary, and identifying fast growing types of warqe in order to boost productivity of warqe.




How to Cite

Amare, D. (2021). Warqe Production and Women’s Role . ZENA-LISSAN (Journal of Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures), 27(2), 17–140. Retrieved from