Begging among Physically Healthy Adults in Addis Ababa: Reasons and Strategies


  • Kemal Abduselam
  • Tefera Belay



begging, physical health, physically healthy beggars, reason


Currently, in Addis Ababa, several people including physically healthy are leading their life through begging. The present study sought to examine the reasons that led physically healthy adults engage in beginning to make a living. The strategies they employed while begging were also assessed. A total of 33 physically healthy beggars from different begging spots found in four sub-cities of Addis Ababa were selected through purposive, availability and convenience sampling techniques. In addition, three officials from the Labor and Social Affairs Bureau of Addis Ababa city administration were drawn purposely. Physical Health Screening Tool, developed by the researcher, was used to identify physically healthy participants. Data were collected using interviews and FGDs and analyzed thematically using a deductive approach. Findings reveal that poverty, unemployment, and invitations by other beggars were among the major reasons for begging. The researchers recommend that to decrease or ultimately eliminate begging, reasons accounting for begging need to be given attention by City Government Administration, Labor and Social Affairs Bureau and all concerned government and non-government organizations. Furthermore, serious regulations need to be put in place by the House of People’s Representatives to discourage begging by physically healthy individuals.

