A Comparative Analysis of Vulnerability of Pastoralists and Agro-pastoralists to Climate Change: A Case Study in Yabello Woreda of Oromia Region, Ethiopia


  • Workneh Negatu
  • Ali Iassen
  • Abinet Kebede


The article aims or measuring and comparing tlte relative vulnerabiliry of
pastoralists and agro-postorali.uJ in Yabello Woreda of Borana Zone in Oromia
Region. The study used vulnerability indicator method to determine the [el'et of
vulnerability of households and social groups. The study showed thar half of the
sample Iwuseholds are highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change. Among
these highly vulnerable households agro-pa5toraJistJ comprise the highest
proportion (60.5 %) of the highly vulnerable households . . This implies that the
pastoral livelihood system is more reJilie1l1 to climatic shocks and variability
compared to that of agro-pa5roralism in the study area. Generally. it is poinled out
that resort to agro-pastoralism. though forced by local circumstances, seems to be
a risky alternative. The problem, therefore, demands further investigation and
efforts to create better policy, institlliion ami infrastructure in order to widell
opportunitiesfor aitemaJil'e and supplemenrallivelihood sources and resources.



How to Cite

Negatu, W., Iassen, A. ., & Kebede, A. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of Vulnerability of Pastoralists and Agro-pastoralists to Climate Change: A Case Study in Yabello Woreda of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 33(1), 61–95. Retrieved from