Contributing Factors to Student-Teachers Retention in Postgraduate Diploma in Secondary School Teaching Program (PGDTP) in Eastern Ethiopia


  • Gemechu Abera Gobena Department of Psychology, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Haramaya University, Ethiopia


Contributing factors, Haramaya University, Psychology, Student-teachers


Abstract: This study is aimed at assessing the contributing factors to student-teacher retention in postgraduate diploma in secondary school teaching programs (PGDTP) in eastern Ethiopia. A correlational research design was employed through stratified random sampling techniques (n=381) to collect pertinent information through a questionnaire. Firstly, the benefit, respect from students, student behaviour, support from administrators, and school safety were the first five most contributing factors to student-teacher retention in the teaching profession. Secondly, the relationship between student-teacher school performance and administrative support indicated a significant moderate positive relationship. Thirdly, there was a highly positive relationship between school-related contributing factors and student-teacher retention in the teaching profession. Finally, there was a significantly high negative relationship between job-related and contributing factors to student-teacher retention in the teaching profession. To conclude, the ultimate objective of any organization in general and educational institutions, in particular, is not only to recruit well-qualified and appropriate personnel but also to retain and enable them to develop their skills in their institutions.



How to Cite

Gobena, G. A. . (2023). Contributing Factors to Student-Teachers Retention in Postgraduate Diploma in Secondary School Teaching Program (PGDTP) in Eastern Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 43(1), 1–30. Retrieved from