Links between Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes and Entrepreneurship Behavior in Higher Education: A Review and Evaluation in Case of Ethiopia


  • Chala Wata College of Education and Behavioral Science, Department of Education, Bule Hora University
  • Maheswaran Muthuraman College of Business and Economics, Department of Accounting and Finance, Bule Hora University
  • Shashi Kant College of Business and Economics, Department of Management, Bule Hora University


Entrepreneurship Behavior, Entrepreneurship Education, Vision and Innovation


The purpose of present research is to examine the Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes on Entrepreneurship Behavior of university students in Ethiopia, Horn of Africa. In all, 248 questionnaires from post graduate students at a public university in Ethiopia are analyzed on base of Poly-choric Correlation using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings highlight the positive effect of Entrepreneurship Education outcomes on entrepreneurship behavior in all factors, including vision, innovation and risk taking ability. The study thus shows that entrepreneurship behavior modifies over the course of entrepreneurship education. The findings imply that when students are exposed to entrepreneurship knowledge and opportunity recognition skills via entrepreneurship education, they can show a high Entrepreneurship Behavior. Findings therefore urge stakeholders in the education sector in Africa to formulate policy guidelines for the design and teaching of entrepreneurship education. Such policies and guidelines should emphasize more students’ acquisition of adequate knowledge in venture creation. The policy implication of the research will suggest to emphasis on entrepreneurship education in empowering the young force of a country. The assessment of Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes in the relationship with Entrepreneurship Behavior has been under-researched globally not just in Africa. Hence based on SEM, to the best of the knowledge this study is first in Horn of Africa.


