
  • Call for Publications


    The Ethiopian Journal of Police Studies (EJPoS), hosted by the Ethiopian Police University is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research studies, theoretical overviews or reviews, and articles to reflect the constantly changing landscape in which the police practice is a theme to unfold the issues in Ethiopia, Africa and around the world. EJPoS seeks to encourage policing practitioners and academic researchers to submit articles for publication that focus on real-world policing issues such as cybercrime, criminal investigation, police management, crime prevention, public engagement, police forensics, and threats to domestic and international security. The focus is on theoretical and methodological papers with a high emphasis on evidence-based, empirical research addressing the facts of crime and crime-related issues in the Ethiopian contexts and the world. The journal announces to publication of its 1st Volume Issue 02 under the following submission guidelines.

    1. Submission should be article manuscripts (not published elsewhere) that focus on real world policing issues such as cybercrime, criminal investigation, police management, crime prevention, public engagement, police forensics and threats to domestic and international security.
    2. Manuscripts should be written only in English, either in British or American English may be used, but the dialect used should be followed consistently throughout the manuscript. A manuscript of full-length should not be more than 10,000 words (this limit includes figures, references, and tables) while shorter ones are preferred.
    3. Manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word in .docx, .doc or in .rtf file formats. Use 1” margins all around, 1.5 spacing, and 12-point Times New Roman. Number the pages consecutively starting with the first page. The authors should meet deadlines and comply with the formats and requirements of the journal as provided in the author’s guide that can be accessed through our journal’s website (


    Important deadlines:

     Manuscript submission: 21/05/2024 – 21/08/2024

     Notification of results: 10/08/2024 – 30/08/2024

     Publication: 01/09/2024 – 20/09/2024


    Submission procedures: the authors should submit their manuscripts online through this link (

    Contacts for any clarification

    Dr. Comdr. Demelash Kassaye (Editor – in – Chief),

    Associate Professor of Social Work and Social Development +251911111299

    Mr. Fikadu Kassa (Managing editor), +251921676601

    Read more about Call for Publications
  • Call for Abstracts


    Ethiopian Police University is pleased to invite abstracts for the upcoming 5th National Police Research Symposium that will be held in Sendafa, Ethiopia on April 24-25, 2023. The symposium is aimed to create a platform for discussion, consultation, and bring together policing and police knowledge and practices. The sympoisum is expceted to bring a wide range of scientific papers that will contribute for quality police service and professionalism. so, scholars and practitioners interested to present their findings at the symposium are cordially invited. Download the poster.

    Read more about Call for Abstracts